
Ulasan Gedung Hemodialisa RSUD SIDOARJO

Ulasan Pengguna (11)

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Tulis Ulasan
  • Review From Muhammad Andika Putra

    Muhammad Andika Putra

    Gedung yang digunakan sebagai perawatan Hemodialisis ini terletak di kawasan Rumah Sakit Umum Sidoarjo. Letaknya ada di Selatan, dekat dengan Sekolah Cendekia.
    Selain Perawatan Hemodialisis, disini juga sebagai tempat pelaksanaan vaksinasi …Selengkapnya
    Review image Muhammad Andika PutraReview image Muhammad Andika PutraReview image Muhammad Andika PutraReview image Muhammad Andika PutraReview image Muhammad Andika Putra
  • Review From Atom sunu

    Atom sunu

    Big thanks untuk pihak RSUD Sidoarjo yang sudah membuka pendaftaran vaksin di gedung Hemodialisa ini, prosesnya lancar dan staffnya ramah.
    Review image Atom sunuReview image Atom sunu
  • Review From icikiwir gaming

    icikiwir gaming

    pelayanan medis bagus...

    satpamnya ruang hemodialisa payah dan kasir parkirnya tidak senyum(mbecong ae), ganti aja tuh petugasnya, merusak citra pelayanan rumahsakit aja aja
  • Review From Rudy Setiawan

    Rudy Setiawan

    RSUD Sidoarjo Rumah Sakit Yang MAJU, Lebih baik dalam Pelayanan
    Review image Rudy SetiawanReview image Rudy Setiawan
  • Review From Afiqa Nugraha

    Afiqa Nugraha

    tolong untuk pelayanan administrasinya tepat waktu dan ditingkatkan lagi biar tidak menunggu dan membuang buang waktu. terima kasih 🙏
  • Review From FAHRU ROJI


    Pgawainya gak 7u7ur dan tid4k ramah /4r0gan gkpnya akhl4k.
  • Review From Widy Pratiwi

    Widy Pratiwi

    A place that is used for the people who wants to have "cuci darah", this is the center building of doing that. But for the 4th floor is a useful floor because we can held events there like today. The place is large and having good quality …Selengkapnya
    Review image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy PratiwiReview image Widy Pratiwi
  • Review From Irfan Wahyudin

    Irfan Wahyudin

    good place for hemodialysis patient, the tools now is sufficient about 100 machines. unfortunately this building doesn't have much parking lot, just about 10 car more or less and the vehicles circulation aren't that well, hope the management is keeping it up and overall is decent place for hemodialysis
    Review image Irfan WahyudinReview image Irfan WahyudinReview image Irfan Wahyudin
  • Review From Iwan Siswanto

    Iwan Siswanto

  • Review From yasin nurfebri

    yasin nurfebri

  • Review From Daffina Zeline

    Daffina Zeline
